How to create application password for wordpress post uploader

To allow WP remote posting you can generate a specific application password to use WP JSON posting.

The app password IS NOT the same as your admin login password.

This extra password is used purely for remote posting.

App passwords look different. They are 4 character strings broken up by spaces.

eg: App password

If your password does not have spaces in it, then it is not an App password.

How to generate an App password

  1. Login to WP and find the user details of your Administrator account.

  1. Click on username to open profile page.
    Scroll down to Application Password section.

  1. Give password any name (not important)
    Click Add New…

  1. Copy the new password to the clipboard

  1. Inside upload poster

  1. Add your blog

  1. Fill out details, paste in the App Password

Generating an App Password wil tell SCM to access your WP blog using the WP JSON protocol.

If you still have problems posting to your blog with an App password, you can try using the original admin/password.

Using the original admin/password will use the WP XML RPC protocol, which may you require you to unblock or rename the xmlrpc.php file.