Create long form articles with 5000+ words using the AI Outline template

Most AI models will only create responses to articles of around 400 words.

AI models are generally not trained to create very lengthy responses.

If you copy and paste the same prompt multiple times to increase the word count, you will find the AI repeating itself.

You can craft a special prompts with article subsections, intro body etc, however this doesn’t scale with different keywords.

Getting an AI model to write a coherent long form article with 5000 or more words requires a different process requiring AI generated outlines and special prompts.

SCM ships with a special long form AI template inside the Article Creator to make it easy to generate special long form articles.

How it works

  1. Ask AI to generate an outline of an article
  2. Use the same outline to generate prompts to write that section

Create a new Article Creator task

Under Generator

Click Select AI prompt

Select a longform, AI outline prompt

Click select to load it

Prompt is loaded into your article creator

Set article keyword

Click run

Macro deep dive

There are 3 types of tags use to generate content from an online.

  • <ai_outline_prompts>
  • <prompt_hx>
  • <prompt_hx_no_children>

Prompts used to generate content from an outline must appear inside the <ai_outline_prompts> tag.

The actual article outline is generated by an AI prompt in the user macro section.

The AI will generate an outline using only h2/h3 tags.

The outline is parsed and fed to prompts defined inside the <ai_outline_prompts> tag.

For example:

<prompt_h2> = An outline that has H2 and a H3 will use the prompt defined in this tag.

<prompt_h2_no_children> = An outline with only a H2 (no H3 under it) will use the prompt in this tag.

We define both tags to cover all possible H2 tags.

Inside a prompt_hx

Inside the <prompt_h2> there are reference to some special macros.

The %h2% refers to the text inside one H2 from the outline.

Prompts allow spintax

Use spintax to randomize prompts.

In this example { | } spintax is used to make the appearance of bullet lists random.


Explanation of task steps.

1 - Generate an article outline using AI

A count of section tells us how long the article might be.

Each section = H2 or H3 sub heading

There will 32 prompts sent to the AI…

On completion check the word count.

Click preview button to see the article