Create long tail keyword rich AI articles from Google people also ask

Google People Also Ask is a goldmine of long tail keyword content.

What is Google PAA?

On some keywords, when you do a Google search, it shows this handy ‘People also ask’ box


Expanding each question gives us answers.


Google PAA is a great source of article ideas using search terms from actual users.

It is an amazing source of long tail keyword ideas.

If only there was a way to make use of the questions and provide unique answers… :thinking:

Create AI articles that answer Google PAA

We can scrape Google PAA for questions and answers.

We can use the questions obtained, and give it to AI model to write a unique answer.

Create a new article creator…

Enter article keyword


Inside the article creator

Enable, AI articles

Click on select AI prompt


Select article, answer Google PAA template


We can create the dynamic prompts ourselves as well, fortunately SCM ships with a ready to go template.

How does the template work?

SCM goes to Google to find PAA.

The AI prompt has access to these questions and answers via special macro codes.

We must save a copy of a PAA question to a macro in order to use it.

We use macros so that we can keep track of each question individually.

Our template has 3 questions saved into macros %q1%, %q2%, %q3%


We can access more questions by adding extra macros, eg…


A list of pre-existing macros are inside the dropdown menus


We use each question macro in our AI prompt.


We use %q1% to:

  1. Insert a H2 tag
  2. Create an AI prompt

The AI prompt asks our AI model to write an answer to the question stored in %q1% etc.

Select the AI template

Click select.


The AI template is loaded.


Select a AI model (if required).

Enter the number of articles to create.


No other settings are required, the task is ready to run.


Check the task log to verify PAA is being found.


The default is to find at least 6 questions.

To find more questions, edit Inserts > People also ask, Find PAA limit


NB you don’t need to enable the insert, we are doing the insert ourselves manually in an AI template.

Verify the AI is running.


There are 3 requests to the AI model, one for each question found in the PAA.

Sample output

Here is a copy of the article and the 3 questions being answered.




For reference, these are the questions as seen inside Googles People Also Ask



  1. Enter article keywords
  2. Choose AI template for Google PAA
  3. Click ‘run’

You can increase the number of found Google PAA inside Inserts > People Also Ask

You can edit the AI prompt to generate different content by editing the textbox here:


The template uses only 3 questions, but you can increase it by adding more macros.

You have access to the original Google provided answer via the macro %paa_answer%

You could use this to ask the AI to provide a summary of the answer, or to write a new question.


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