Appreciate an initial direction using SEO Content Machine

Hi! :blush:

I just purchased this software and need some quick guidance. (Step by step, such as what tool to use first, what setting is a must to settle etc.)

I understand it’s best to read through the support documentation first, but I’m hoping I could have a quick overview of the basic steps to get started. This would help save me lots of time , for sure I will continue learning through tutorials and documentation later, but would greatly appreciate a quick direct initial direction.

For now, My goal is to generate unique content by:

  1. Having the software search Google for my target keyword and collect the top 10 results
  2. Scraping and downloading the content from these 10 webpages
  3. Using the software to create a new, original article based on these 10 sources with AI

Later, I may want to:
4. Upload to WordPress automatically
5. Repeat the above process

Thank you!!


Something like this?

There are templates already to do top 5.

Not top 10 because models like groq don’t have big enough context window.

However you could try using the the top 5 and article headings ai template to get around this limit.

Instead of using article text you use the article headings.

I’m about to write up a workflow for what you are asking.

If you give me a keyword example I can use it as an example.

Thank you for the quick reply.

I’ve just read the article that you just share, it’s almost what I need, thanks.

Here are some questions for now :

  1. As you’ve said that most llm can’t do top 10 only top 5 as don’t have big enough context window but I just found that SCM search result limit set as 20 urls?

So what does the 20 search results actually do? If can’t do 10 why 20?

  1. I’ve seen the generator area of the AI creator, provides 4 options : ai articles, scraped articles, existing article, forge article. What’s the main differences?

Which option is more suitable for my requirement?

  1. If I choose the scrape articles, why do SCM still need to search on google? Could I choose no need to search on google and just use my article source?

Is scrape articles option , article does not generate by AI (as I don’t see the AI prompt option)?

  1. Is there any glossary list for all macro code, where may I check its definition, usage.

  2. I just tried to run a task, it’s seems to be working, but I just found that the article don’t have a organized H2/H3 tag and images, only H1 tag. Any way to add a SEO friendly H2/H3 tag and images?

  3. Could I create and use my own AI prompt?

Thank you!

#1 The scraping doesn’t affect the number of articles sent to the AI. It is 2 separate process.

The number of articles sent to AI is actually visible when you count the scraped_article macros.

You should set the search result limit higher than what you need, since not all articles have content and some sites might fail to be loaded.

#2 If you enable none of them no content gets created.

They are all slightly different with the content source.

They all output to its own folder.

Eg if you enable AI articles and scraped articles, you will not get a combination of 1 article using those sources, but instead 2 sets of articles. One from AI and one from scraped articles.

This is actual a design problem from upgrading SCM over is lifetime with new features.

So initially you had just scraped content, then we added existing and article forge and of course AI articles.

They should be 4 different tasks, and I have been considering changing it from toggles to an actual mutual exclusive tab switch so that you have to select one.

Right now you can select none and it will just create a content cache for you.

Think each 4 as the source of your initial content.

Eg Use existing article on your hard drive and just insert new content via content inserter.

Scraped article doesn’t use AI just makes scraped content.

I think you just need the AI article for now.

#4 2 places for macros.
AI macros its in this list
Most of these macros are used in default templates
These macros can only be used inside AI prompts section

For other global macros they are here at the bottom of the task
These should be self explanatory

#5 Unless you ask the AI for it, it will just randomly add h2/h3
Otherwise you need to use the longform templates, as these force the creation of articles from a h2/h3 outline.

For images, you need to add them via the image insert.

#6 Yes, you can edit all prompts after loading them here:

In the template editor, all default prompts are locked and can’t be edited and saved.

To edit them you need to duplicate it first.

Then you can click edit,

The default templates have a grey out edit button.

Thanks for your reply, it helps a lot.

  1. I am confused about the first question, so - what I understand is that the AI ​​article option will first search for website articles in the SERP, and then generate articles based on the data of these scraped articles, right? it just “Store” those serp articles directly (as cache)?

  2. If yes, what I want (if possible) is that to divide them into 2 tasks.
    First: The first one is to scrape article from serp first,
    I can manually edit and check and make changes first.
    Second: Then use those edited article to generate a new article., with AI.
    Is this function available?

I made some UI edits in the next version to streamline the AI prompt window.

No edit button, user templates can always be edited. But you need to press save to persist changes.

When you select a default template, the only button is duplicate

AI option just uses AI to create content from the AI prompts.

It doesn’t do any scraping etc.

To make it scrape you have to enable it.

Normal AI article, add search is disabled.

Nothing is scraped.

Now I load a RAG type of prompt.

See how there is a new error label?


Enable Add search or Load articles, required by:

The template loaded requires the use of some form of scraped article.
Either from search or you can load from articles on your hard drive.

If you want search, click Add search.

Warning disappears

You need to create 2 tasks.

  1. First task scrapes content to your hard drive
  2. Second task, loads those articles into the AI via ‘Load articles’

If there is anything confusing please let me know.

I’m looking to streamline UI as time goes on, so if you have any ideas let me know as well!

UI update for prompt select window is now live!

Thanks. I think I got it :blush: , please confirm if my understanding is accurate:

Generator (AI articles) option needs to be enabled either “add search” or “Load articles”.

“add search” means SCM will scrape articles from serp → AI write article based on those scrape articles.
“Load articles” means SCM will load those article I select. → AI write article based on my articles.

So for now “Load articles” seems to be better for my requriement.

Correct needs you to select one or the other.

Right now the task will run even if you don’t select one, not sure if it should force a selection or not.

Or maybe it should automatically enabled if selecting any RAG template.

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I’ve checked SCM tools and writing AI prompts, but the AI prompts don’t mention descriptions about RAG, or where to import the articles sources.

E.G. (Article top 1 Google article)


    [write a short introductory paragraph about %h2% in language %language%. 
    Use html <p></p> tags. Don't use html attributes. Start with a paragraph. 
    The topic of the article is %keyword%.]
    [write an answer about %h2% in language %language%. 
    Use html <p></p> tags. Don't use html attributes. Start with a paragraph.
    {Insert a html <ul><li> bullet list or a <ol><li> numbered list||||}. 
    The topic of the article is %keyword%.]
    [write an answer about %h2%, %h3% in language %language%. 
    Use html <p></p> tags. Don't use html attributes. Start with a paragraph.
    {Insert a html <ul><li> bullet list or a <ol><li> numbered list||||}. 
    The topic of the article is %keyword%.]

If I want AI to write based on my own articles source(load article option) or load from SERP, should we explicitly mention in the AI prompt that the writing should use RAG methods based on scraped articles or Google search results? Or it just automaticallyimport it self that I don’t need to mention it in the prompt?

@Tim Do I need to add something like these in AI prompt? :


  1. Based on the provided [articles/documents/search results], generate content that…
  1. Using the following reference materials as your knowledge base:
    [List of sources/documents]
    Please write…

RAG macros refer to the use of %scraped_article% inside the AI prompts.

Firstly all RAG templates are tagged with RAG.

With RAG type filter active.

From your screenshot it looks like an AI outline article.

IE Longform template.

Loading the longform template, go to the user macros section.

You can find the actual macro that uses the article in the AI prompt.

All RAG articles are pre-configured already to load content.

If you want to write your own AI templates you need to use a %scraped_xxx% macro.

The most important RAG related macros are these 3.


I know that the whole RAG loading and configuration is a bit opaque and will make some revisions to the AI so it is the most important part of the AI writer.

Got it, Thanks!

@Tim , Other questions:

  1. Does “%scraped_article%” load all scraped articles? (load articles option)
  2. Following on from the above, Does the (add search) function also load all the result articles obtained from the serp? (except those not carwlable or bad quality)
  3. Can the (load articles) and (add search) functions be enabled at the same time?

Scrape articles refers to either loaded or scraped articles. It draws from the same pool of content.

Correct, the serp option adds to that scraped article pool.

Yes they can be used together. You can have both scraped articles and articles from your hard drive.