I have a question. I see that SCM has default only such macro %keyword% %language% %previous_output%, but I see that in default prompts you use completely different default macro such as <ai_outline_prompts> <prompt_h2> , <h1 %keyword_title% /h1> , <h3 %outline_h3% /h3> , <prompt_h3_no_children> %ai_outline% where are these marco from? There is no list of these marco’s anywhere, and you are using them. Can you write where you get these macros from, how do we know what all the marco’s are?
Its defult marco %keyword%, you use %keyword_title%? Why? Explain where these different macros come from?
What does %ai_outline% ?
What does <ai_outline_prompts> </ai_outline_prompts>
where is there any reasonable documentation for this? The videos on YouTube are old and out of date, they don’t exist there
The explanation of each macro is detailed here as well:
All other macros like %keyword%%language% are global tags that can be used anywhere.
%previous_output% is a special tag that just prints out the last thing the AI model returned to SCM.
Let me know if anything needs further clarification.
Personally I don’t like the h2_no_children naming convention, it is a bit confusing. I will think about another way to structure it…
[write a short introductory paragraph about %h2% in language %language%.
Use html <p></p> tags. Don't use html attributes. Start with a paragraph.
The topic of the article is %keyword%.]
[write an answer about %h2%, %h3% in language %language%.
Use html <p></p> tags. Don't use html attributes. Start with a paragraph.
{Insert a html <ul><li> bullet list or a <ol><li> numbered list||||}.
The topic of the article is %keyword%.]
[write an answer about %h2% in language %language%.
Use html <p></p> tags. Don't use html attributes. Start with a paragraph.
{Insert a html <ul><li> bullet list or a <ol><li> numbered list||||}.
The topic of the article is %keyword%.]