
1. The problem

can’t scrape transcript, saving issue? .txtundefined

2. Screenshot or task log of the problem

5/29/2024, 11:08:35 AM — Finished [Copilot PC] —
5/29/2024, 11:08:35 AM (1/1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZbHd4suAnQ
5/29/2024, 11:08:35 AM 1/1 writing Full Keynote Introducing Copilot+ PCs - 8000.txtundefined
5/29/2024, 11:08:35 AM 1/1 selected en subtitles for https://youtu.be/aZbHd4suAnQ
5/29/2024, 11:08:33 AM Appending 1 youtube ids to cache\youtubeids.txt …
5/29/2024, 11:08:33 AM Found 1 video
5/29/2024, 11:08:32 AM Get youtube id aZbHd4suAnQ in en
5/29/2024, 11:08:32 AM Clearing youtube ids inside cache\youtubeids.txt …
5/29/2024, 11:08:32 AM — Starting Youtube Sub Scraper [Copilot PC] —
5/29/2024, 11:06:05 AM — Finished [Copilot PC] —
5/29/2024, 11:06:05 AM (1/1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZbHd4suAnQ
5/29/2024, 11:06:05 AM 1/1 writing Full Keynote Introducing Copilot+ PCs.txtundefined
5/29/2024, 11:06:05 AM 1/1 selected en subtitles for https://youtu.be/aZbHd4suAnQ
5/29/2024, 11:06:04 AM Appending 1 youtube ids to cache\youtubeids.txt …
5/29/2024, 11:06:03 AM Found 1 video
5/29/2024, 11:06:03 AM Get youtube id aZbHd4suAnQ in en
5/29/2024, 11:06:03 AM Clearing youtube ids inside cache\youtubeids.txt …
5/29/2024, 11:06:02 AM — Starting Youtube Sub Scraper [Copilot PC] —

Looks like bug.

Fixed in next update

1 Like

It’s working now, thank you Tim.

Question, how to run my prompt for all the subtitles scraped?

Use case, I want to extract key insights etc from each video subtitles (different topics).

Would be great also the ability to run prompt (AI Macros) for each scraper, like search & news, wayback, rss, and web crawler.

You want a generic bulk AI prompt running tool right?

eg: You have a text file of lines and you want to run to run a prompt like ‘find important kewords from these sentences’


eg: Bunch of keywords in file and you want to tell AI ‘remove all keywords that are generic, click bait etc’

Something like this?

yeah something like that, but not always SEO related.

Basically I want to use prompts in the scraper tools

Example prompt


You are an expert content summarizer. You take content in and output a Markdown formatted summary using the format below.

Take a deep breath and think step by step about how to best accomplish this goal using the following steps.


- Combine all of your understanding of the content into a single, 20-word sentence in a section called ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY:.

- Output the 10 most important points of the content as a list with no more than 15 words per point into a section called MAIN POINTS:.

- Output a list of the 5 best takeaways from the content in a section called TAKEAWAYS:.


- Create the output using the formatting above.
- You only output human readable Markdown.
- Output numbered lists, not bullets.
- Do not output warnings or notes—just the requested sections.
- Do not repeat items in the output sections.
- Do not start items with the same opening words.


INPUT: %scraped_subtitle%

So I can make summaries for the youtube videos I don’t have time to watch, read later articles I don’t have time to read, news I don’t have time to follow.

Scrape/dump urls, run summary prompt, and read only the key insights/summaries.

With webhook feature/task scheduler, send the result anywhere I want or email myself.