Save images from Wayback or static page scraping

I am getting the text, inside I see the links pointing to the original site. How can I download the images if the site is still online ?
I want to get the scraped text as well as the images

Afterwards, I want to manipulate the iamges such as adding a frame or skewing them but first saving them is not possible as far as I see.

I tried the IMAGE Tool and when I click on SAVE Image, it doesn’t save the image, but anyway I think it would be more useful to do it in the article scraper directly

Its currently not there in static page scraping only inside dynamic page scraper.

If you can wait I will add it for you as a feature request.

Otherwise you can try the dynamic scraper.

It will save your images as it has this option.

Ditto for wayback scraper.

Yes, that would be very useful, in both actually

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Will go back and add it for you, please keep watch on this thread for updates