although pretty, your new user interface for user macros in the article creator has made life much more difficult. For example, If I have 20 macros and I need to insert a new prompt macro between macro step 12 and step 13, there is no way to do it without deleting and retyping everything.
PLEASE at least give us an option to go back to a freestyle textarea the way it was before … It was SO much easier to use for complex macros.
Thank you for the new macro ordering mechanism. I think the new pretty interface is great for beginners and non-complex macros.
However, I would still like to request the “option” for a freestyle textarea for complex macros.
As you know, if you we want to back-reference a PAA Question, or a scraped_subheading etc, we have to assign it to a macro first or it will increment to the next one, etc. So if I want to reference 40 PAA questions, 30 scraped subheadings etc you can easily see how we can have 30, 50, 70 macro variables. Then add in all the AI prompt macros.
Now let’s say you want need to add 10 more macros near the top portion of the macro list that is 70 macros deep. Well, now I have to add 1 macro at a time and click the up arrow 70 times. Multiply that by 10 macros = 700 upclicks. That’s a CRAZY amount of silly work for nothing.
Before with a freestyle text area … it was simple as copy/paste … done in 2 seconds.
I love your program and you’ve done so much … but please, if any way possible … at least give us an “expert mode” option to go back to freestyle text-area for complex macros box like you had before?
Where the User Macro box is … maybe make it with 2 tabs ( Standard | Expert ) and let users choose between which User Macro format they prefer to work with.
I think That would be ideal … If that is too difficult, you can just create another option in the options panel and let people choose there what type of User Macro box they want.
PS: This would be inside the actual AI Article Creator screen. I guess you can do the same with the the popup editor too.
Small request … So we’re not visually parsing a wall of code text, in the Show Code freestyle textarea … would it be too much to ask to but a blank linebreak between each macro?
please keep the wordwrap as is … we just need a vertical whitespace between each macro. a simple empty linefeed/carriage return between each macro would be great.
%macro1% = [Imagine this is an AI prompt … instead of seeing a wall of text, it would be nice to have an empty line in between each macro.]
%macro2% = [Imagine this is an AI prompt … instead of seeing a wall of text, it would be nice to have an empty line in between each macro.]
%macro3% = [Imagine this is an AI prompt … instead of seeing a wall of text, it would be nice to have an empty line in between each macro.]
%macro1% = [Imagine this is an AI prompt … instead of seeing a wall of text, it would be nice to have an empty line in between each macro.]
%macro2% = [Imagine this is an AI prompt … instead of seeing a wall of text, it would be nice to have an empty line in between each macro.]
%macro3% = [Imagine this is an AI prompt … instead of seeing a wall of text, it would be nice to have an empty line in between each macro.]