How to keep finding endless keyword questions

The keyword finder tool is getting a bunch of new features and enhancements.

The biggest change is that you can keep ‘adding’ to the keyword results.

The tool won’t clear the results each time you hit the run/add button.


2 new buttons added


Remove filtered, will permanently remove strikeout results from the keyword list.

The remove all will just remove everything so you can start fresh.

How to find Keyword Questions

1. Enter keyword


2. Click run


You can also just press enter in keyword box to start the search!

Progress of search is displayed at the bottom.

3. Browse results in the center table

4. Filter results

eg remove keywords

Filtered results are shown in strike through red

5. Find more results by doing another search


No need to worry about losing the current results.

The tool will keep adding to the list.

6. Copy results to clipboard
