How to export Dynamic scraper data to Google Sheets

You can export data scraped from the Dynamic scraper into a Google sheet.

Create new Dynamic scraper task

Pick elements to scrape

Yelp example:

Export > Google sheet

Under export, click Google sheet

Click Select sheet

You may need to sign into Google to allow access to sheets

Click Sign in

Focus on new browser window
SCM will open Google sign in on your desktop browser

Choose an account

Continue with sign in

Click on checkbox
Allow SCM to edit your Google sheets

Scroll down

Click continue

A new page in your browser will open

Select a sheet

Click select

Page will close

Navigate back to SCM App

Name of selected spreadsheet and sheets will be shown


You can clear sheet of data before each run


Otherwise SCM will append rows

Run task




Open sheet to see new data


If there is no picker

Click on Select google sheet

You didn’t give sheets access

This alert will display


You forgot to click on the checkbox for sheets access

Just click on select sheet

Go through Google sign in again


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A post was split to a new topic: Dynamic scraper picker position