How read from rss->categorize->rewrite with my voice->publish

I have an rss feed from feedly and I want to:

  • categorize based in custom prompt
  • rewrite to use my tone and thoughts, also custom prompt, and if it’s possible include additional scraped data to make the content more unique
  • include some photo
  • publish to wordpress
    except publish to wordpress, the rest I’m really in blank about how to do that.
    Someone could help me with that?
    I’m able to hire a scm mentor


You can do RSS reading here

But you don’t have control over the rewriting with a custom prompt.

Only select rewrite

Also no image inserts here.

So this requires some extra features for you

  1. Custom AI prompts
  2. Insert image (would AI image work?)
  3. Upload to WP button

What do you mean by categorize by prompt?
What kind of extra scraped data?

It sounds like you should use RSS tool to download the content then use Article creator to process content page by page and do the inserts

So we need to give you access to AI prompts in article creator inside this:

  • Ai image could work
  • categorize => in the rss could have articles that each match on a diffferent category, so with AI, choose the AI category from a list of 4 categories

how can I have custom AI prompts to choose the articles downloaded, and chain the categorization and rewrite with custom AI prompt?


I think it would have to be done in 2 steps.

  1. RSS download articles to hard drive using RSS tool
  2. Article creator > Local content source (instead of scraped content)
  3. Then you can use AI section to do things with content.

Right now there is RAG AI template:

You just need the same things, but instead of Google scraped articles, its just articles from an RSS feed

Can you give me some sample prompts that you use?

When I choose “scraped articles” in article creator, don’t have the option to article prompts, and if I choose ai articles, I have the rag AI screen but not the option to choose the path

I haven’t added it yet.

Just exploring how to add it in for you

As you can see 50% off what we need is there already, just need to add the other 50%.

Would current AI prompts work?

With the new update you can do it

  • Download RSS feed first
  • Article creator > content sources > local
  • Paste in folder location of RSS articles on hard drive
  • Select RAG AI template
  • Edit prompt as required
  • You have access to the article title and body content via macros

You can also use this to load up any content on your hard drive, not just RSS feeds

See workflow post below

Hello Tim!
sorry delay, I didn’t see the notification
I will try asap and let you know

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Lovely! Let me know if you need help setting it up