How do I integrate SCM with Capmonster/xEvil ETC? Need Alternatives!

Hi, I am getting lots of proxy captcha errors:

Warning captcha said Google captcha detected. Buy captcha unblocks @

I don’t want to buy those expensive captchas since I have my own captcha solving services.

do you have a host file DNS setting to change to pint over to my own captcha solving server?

We need alternatives to use SCM and save money on captchas

Please provide some information.

Thank you

I can look into it

Is there any news on allowing third-party captcha-solving services?
thank you

Have you taken a look into this?
really need an answer for this

Sorry SCM doesn’t integrate with capmonster etc

Can you tell me with what captcha-solving service it integrates besides the one you provide?

I know you guys want to sell your own services, but for some of us that have their own captcha solving services, we need a way to route or forward them to our own servers.