Google Business Profile/Maps Additional Info

Is it possible to get:

  1. Number of years in business

  2. Services (list of services)

  3. An average rank position (I know proximity plays a big role in this so it’s not possible to get exact rank but if there’s anyway to extract an average that would be awesome)

  4. The following information about recent updates:

  • total number of updates posted
  • date of first and most recent update

Reason for request: this would be extremely helpful for local SEO research since it would allow me to better analyze the strength of local competition.

When I do the maps search I get different UI

Its missing years in service, services tab updates and photos

Can you share with me the google place URL that has the services and updates tab so I can check it?

Yes, here you go!

If you search “web designers” for any city, they’re usually really good about adding updates and services on their profiles since they know SEO. A lot of businesses don’t because they don’t know any better so that’s one of the primary things I look at when analyzing GBPs for local SEO. Great opportunity to either outrank them or sell them a service :slight_smile:

Thanks for the sample.

I had trouble finding anything with those tabs.

Ill see what I can grab for you

I have been looking at the url you gave and I noticed its not the same as what you can find on Google maps

The gmaps link url is

The link you provided is

How did you get the localservices listing? I can’t find it via a normal google maps search