Feature Request for Link Insertion

1. The problem

I use AI articles to generate articles.

When performing the link insert, use the following.

The link is now created in a random location.

If you can,
Is it possible to create a link to a keyword that matches the keyword?

For example,
The keyword used when generating the article is “coffee”.
If you use %keyword% when creating a link, the anchor text is “coffee”.
Create a link to the “coffee” keyword in the text of the article.
Will it be possible?

I always appreciate the good program.
If possible, please update us.
Thank you.

Reason for request

The reason for requesting this feature is,
It is randomly generated when the link is inserted, so the context is not natural.
If you substitute the word for the generated article, a perfect article would be possible.
If possible, I think I can use it too useful.
Thank you.

2. Screenshot or task log of the problem

You are using contextual link insert right?

If you use the “contextual link insert” feature.

CleanShot 2024-08-18 at 16.27.55@2x

I’m having trouble linking elements within the html tag.

Links are frequently created in keywords other than the main keyword.

A link is generated in a word that is not related to the main keyword.

my work environment


I want to create a link to the word that matches the main keyword.

Help me!
Thank you.

It looks for the %keyword% if it can’t find it just inserts it randomly.

It does this search per paragraph, but maybe I can make it search the entire article first?

For the QnA link inside html, that is a bug and will be fixed in the next update

Also what keywords do you want to match?

Just main article keyword? or you want to provide a list of keywords?

There are enough keywords in the article.
However, it does not create a link to that keyword.

Replacement gives up easily if the keyword isn’t found in each paragraph.

I will however edit it so that it will check the article globally.

I am doing update now


Also will random word if keyword not found, but you can disable by setting it to 0-0

The adjustments are ready and can be tested, I have just updated the installers

Sometimes keywords don’t match, or links are created in h2 tags, etc.
This is a perfect update.
Thank you so much.
It’s a feature that I really wanted.
The best technology!
I am always grateful for your program.

I think it’s because of the Korean characteristics.
For example
If the word “커피” is the main keyword,
in the article
If the article says, “커피를 맛있게 먹는법” it doesn’t match.
If the article says, “커피 맛있게 먹는법” it is matched.

커피를 => no match.
[커피]를 => It must be matched.

커피 => matched.

Is it possible?
Maybe if you’re a Korean-speaking user,
I will continue to have the same problem as me.

This is a feature of the Korean language! Please refer to it!

In Korean grammar, words like “을”, “를”, “에서”, “는”, and “랑” are called particles (조사 in Korean).

Particles are words attached to the end of a noun or pronoun to indicate the relationship between that word and the other components in the sentence, such as the subject, object, or predicate. For example:

  • “을/를” are objective case particles, marking the object of a sentence. (e.g., 커피를 마신다 - I drink coffee)
  • “에서” is a locative particle indicating the place where an action occurs. (e.g., 커피숍에서 만나다 - to meet at a coffee shop)
  • “는/은” are topic particles, used to mark the subject or to emphasize it. (e.g., 커피는 뜨겁다 - The coffee is hot)
  • “랑/하고” are conjunctive particles, used to connect two or more items. (e.g., 커피랑 차를 마시다 - to drink coffee and tea)

These particles play a crucial role in clarifying the relationships between words in a sentence and in conveying the intended meaning accurately.

Thank you.

SCM just does simple regex find and replace.

It looks for it using ’ word ’
ie it matches word with space in start and end

For english this is important because you don’t want it to do partial match and just select half a word.

For korean, it can match partial because spaces aren’t as important.

You therefore need a way to tell SCM to do match ’ word’ like this.
ie. No need match space after word.

I suggest this


I don’t see that option.

You need to wait for the update :wink:

Also add some filtering so that it doesn’t insert into h2

Upcoming changes

Use keywords in link for matching

SCM will use keywords in url box to find and replace with link

Allow %keyword%

This will properly use article keyword now

Uncapped insert count


SCM will correctly insert as many links as there are matching keywords.
Previously it would only insert one link per paragraph

Match random words optional


If you set value to 0-0, SCM will ignore link replacement if it can’t find a keyword.

Otherwise setting it to any other value will cause random words to be turned into links up to the specified count.

eg: You can see the main keyword is replaced with link, and also to meet the 99 link count random words are turned into links as well.


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I think this is the best update.

Vielen Dank.

Your welcome!

Please test it and report back any errors or changes

It’s very amazing.
It is 100% matched.
As long as there is no problem with the article, it will be 100% matched.
Thank you so much!

Update is live!