The problem After installing it on Windows all I get is a blank white screen when opening it up. 2. Screenshot or task log of the problem seo content machine blank screen
Can you redownload it?
Still blank screen, i redownload but still same.
Can you find the SCM-next.db file on your hard drive and send me a copy before deleting it?
Use Windows Explorer file search.
I’m not getting blank screen on my test machines.
You can acess here: 321.58 MB file on MEGA
Wrong file:
I need this one
In this folder (9.6 KB)
Tested and loads fine.
Delete all your installers and grab newest one:
Still the same, i deleted all files and i download your and open blank screen
Did you delete all files in the appdata scm folder as well?
yes i did, i don´t know why this happens
Right now I also don’t know why this happens.
Before there was a build that broken SCM and only have white screen, but newest update should have fixed it
On my testing it seems to work.
Do you have another computer or laptop that you can try to install SCM on?
Windows-SSD (C:)
Watch Video
Thanks for video
Can you right click on the setup file and go to details panel?
Is same file version?
Do you have any anti virus or firewall installed?
You are on Windows 11?
I found a build error, might be the cause of errors.
Please wait
Try the new update.
still the same, i don´t know maybe if i invite you to jump in my computer you find the reason but i can´t see any specific issue to don´t work seo content machine.
Here is a slightly older build:
Does it work?