Hi, Do you have a start to finish workflow for writing an article with AI writer and different scraped content?
I just wondered if it is possible to write an article using BYOK AI using the knowledge of combined content from different scraped locations?
For example, I have scraped some content with the same/similar keywords from some different sources, google search results, and youtube subtitles etc and I want to combine all that info and write a comprehensive article using AI, but using the combined knowledge from the scraped content based a subject.
I maybe missing how to connect it all together. I would appreciate some guidance.
It would be amazing if AI could be used to categorise the scraped articles/paragraphs too. Much like “embeddings” of knowledge when training an AI on your own knowledge. This would mean that the paragraphs etc would not only be based on keywords, but also by relevance to the topic.
Is anything like this on your radar for the adding to the tool?
You don’t need AI to organize sentences. SCM already scrapes, sorts and filters out sentences for you and shows them based on relevance to the main keyword.
If you want something relevant to a topic you should use the topic filter.
I wanted to create articles based on content from different sources. Some would be from SCM that has already been scraped, plus other content I already have (such as my past articles or transcripts, or scraped youtube transcripts).
I was hoping to use SCM to consolidate all the content together to be able to re-use and repurpose all that knowledge on a topic.
Is this something that might be possible in the future?