AI article (1/1) error, finished early: Unknown AI service

1. The problem

Getting “AI article (1/1) error, finished early: Unknown AI service”
This was after it already connected just fine within the same task and completed an AI task.

2. Screenshot or task log of the problem


If you look at the screenshot, you will see it connected just fine to my AI instance … but then, it said the AI service was unknown in the same task run.

3. My guess why its breaking

This started happening randomly since you added the new feature " Allow inline AI source inside AI prompts".

My guess is that you are probably looking for the pattern “service name | model name :” … and if there are these “|:” characters in the data of the prompt itself or the data being passed therein, then could it be possible, that we made the delimiters too common.

I’m not entirely sure this is the bug … I’m just guessing. But aren’t we already using the | character in spintax? Forgot about that.

We need to find delimiters that would never happen in the wild where it could be passed back and be parsed incorrectly.

Yes its the : that appears in the prompt that is tripping up the detection.

I have a patch for it, the service must match an already specified list or else it ignores the parsing.

Here is a screenshot …

Thanks, as I thought, its finding the : and anything before it is getting parsed as ai service name.

I found a fix, the service name must match a predefined list or it goes back to treating it like a normal prompt.

uploading a patch right now!

what happens if you specify it properly, but then also include another | and : in the prompt?

[correct service name | correct model name : actual prompt with both | and : in it]

It only takes the first occurrence of the :, any other : are ignored.

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